• 62445 Shimmel Rd, Centreville, MI 49032
English EN Spanish ES

Morning Mingle followed by Books, Blocks, & Balls

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~New to session~ Morning Mingle! Spend 30 minutes chatting with grown ups over coffee (Five Lakes available across the street) and bring some breakfast (Freakin’ Sweets has donuts a couple of doors down) while your littles eat or play before Books, Blocks & Balls begins at 9:30am.

Interactive family event where we hang out and PLAY as a GROUP with developmental screeners for ages 0-5 available at each session. 9:30am – 11am

At your first session with us, you will do a baseline screener. As our sessions continue, activities will be offered that you can recreate at home. Therefore, the learning through play continues!

Click the link below to begin your baseline screening for your child.

ASQ Developmental Screener

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